Branding Debunked – 7 Common Myths

Myth #1: I’m not yet ____________________ (insert assorted insecurity here: famous/successful/important) enough to have a brand.

Myth #1 Debunked: You’re right! You’re not! And without a brand you never will be.

Don’t get caught in the interim trap. Using brand identifiers, such as a logo, noncommittally will significantly diminish your chances of success. Brand bouncing makes you and your company look unprofessional and unstable, wastes yours and your potential customers’ valuable time, and destroys any opportunity to build momentum.

In the marketing game, you simply cannot afford to wait until you have more _______________ (insert assorted prerequisites here) to establish a strong brand – the time is now!

Myth # 2: Developing and maintaining a strong, consistent brand can get expensive; I’d rather spend that money elsewhere.

Myth #2 Debunked: Building a viable brand can be big bucks! But the reality is, not having a recognizable brand is so much more expensive in the long run.

To avoid this common pitfall, take careful measure to develop a clearly defined core message, a strong mission statement, and a distinct tagline that accurately represent your business.

Myth # 3: I can do brand all by myself! No need to consult with a professional branding and marketing expert.

Myth #3 Debunked: You can do bad all by yourself – bad branding, that is! Without the knowledge and know-how that only a seasoned branding expert can offer, your company will be perceived as a rookie, an amateur.

Brand development is complicated. Consumer psychology, market demographics and psychographics, aggressive marketing strategies, PR tactics, communication methods and styles – a branding specialist combines each of these highly specified areas of expertise in order to create a powerful, effective brand.