The Workplace Mobile Chat Guide

With the pandemic came the rise in embracing the work-from-home culture. This new work environment came along with getting used to the new normal, which is also sustained by eliminating commuting.

However, physical remoteness can remain to be a challenge with issues on mobile communication. Having effective communication is crucial to the success and growth of any business, serving as the backbone of business operations. Gathering and sharing information is critical when it comes to making business decisions. 

Mobile communication today is considered a functional tool that ensures transparency in engaging with clients and prospective customers. Text messages are considered to be an effective tool to communicate with clients, as they can impact sales and customer acquisition. One of these impacts is how companies that adopt text messages in their business have witnessed a 50% increase in business loyalty. 

However, data privacy remains to be something that is still being discussed in terms of mobile communication, which is why mobile compliance is emphasized. It is crucial to consider the proper disclosure policies to monitor text messages to avoid regulatory and legal complications in the long run.

For more information about the workplace mobile chat guide, here is an infographic provided by TeleMessage.